Today’s Viral News, Habib Bahar Bin Smith Was Shot? Is this news true? Let’s check the following facts

[ad_1] – Today’s viral news, Habib Bahar bin Smith was allegedly shot by an unknown person (OTK).

This sad news was conveyed by a social media channel, namely YouTube owned by Mahesa Al Batani. In a statement uploaded on Saturday 14 May 2023, Bahar Bin Smith was shot.

Mahesa Al Batani claimed to have received photos and voice notes of Habib Bahar who was shot while attending the wedding of one of his students, the location of which is unknown.

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“The news that Habib Bahar was shot has circulated to certain people. It’s valid, we got news since Ashar but only specs tonight. But we hope the news is a hoax,” said Mahesa Al Batani.

He said regardless of whether the news was true or not, even though I still believed it.

“The point is that people should not be provoked. This is the style of the PKI, it’s already an old song,” he said again.

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Until this news was published, it was not known for sure the truth of this information. No party from Habib Bahar bin Smith has yet provided information to the public.

The police have also not commented on the alleged shot of Habib Bahar bin Smith.