Today’s Viral News, Comedian Tukul Arwnana Dies, Really? Come on, let’s check the facts and explanations

[ad_1] – Today’s viral news, recently, there has been news of grief from the famous artist and comedian Tukul Arwana. The news spread via the video claims that Tukul Arwana has died.

The video includes the claim that Tukul Arwana died on Sunday (14/5/2023) yesterday afternoon at 12.00 WIB.

The thumbnail of the video shows a hearse, a portrait of Tukul Arwana framed by a flower arrangement, and the figure of a corpse in a funeral home.

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The video was uploaded and shared by the MUDA ENTERTAINMENT YouTube channel on May 11. The video has also been watched more than 31 thousand times.

“INNALILLAHI, artist Tukul Arwana died this afternoon at exactly 12.00 WIB, check the facts,” wrote the upload title.

Based on the search results, the claim that Tukul Arwana died on Sunday (14/5/2023) yesterday at 12.00 WIB is false.

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In fact, the contents of the uploaded video with a duration of 3 minutes and 10 seconds are inconsistent with the claims stated in the title or thumbnail.

The video upload initially featured a series of photographs of the funeral home and also a number of portraits of Tukul Arwana.

However, the next narrator reads the article entitled “FACT CHECK: Tukul Arwana Reportedly Passed Away”.

The article that was read out contained hoaxes about the news that Tukul Arwana had died. Thus, the narrator’s own review is inversely proportional to the claims on the video.

Until the end of the video, there is no valid evidence stating that Tukul Arwana died.

Based on the explanation above, the news about Tukul Arwana who died is wrong.

Thus, the video can be categorized as a hoax in the manipulation content category.()