Here Are Any Facts Regarding the Shooting of the Indonesian Ulema Council Office, Come on Let’s Check the Facts

[ad_1] – The shooting occurred at the MUI Central Office. The perpetrator who claimed to be a prophet finally died after fainting after shooting.

The incident occurred at the Central MUI Office, Jalan Proklamasi, Central Jakarta, Tuesday (2/5/2023) afternoon. The perpetrator was later identified as Mustopa from Lampung. “Yes, that’s right,” said Deputy MUI Anwar Abbas.

The following are facts related to the shooting of the Central Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) office:

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1. There are Injured Victims

The shooting at the MUI Central office resulted in two injuries. One of the victims suffered an injury to his back. “He injured his back a little,” said Anwar Abbas.

Anwar said the employee who was injured was hit by a broken glass due to a shot from the gun used by Mostopa. “The glass broke so that an employee had his hand injured by the broken glass,” he said.

Read also: The perpetrators of the shooting at the Indonesian Ulema Council Office ‘Acknowledge the Prophet’, the following are the contents of the letter from the perpetrators of the shootings

The head of the MUI for Information and Communication Affairs, KH Cholil Nafis, said that the injuries suffered by the reception staff were not serious. “Staff got hit by splashed glass, injured on the back, not serious. Our reception staff,” said Cholil Nafis.

2. The perpetrator claimed to be a prophet

Deputy Head of the MUI, Anwar Abbas, said that the shooter had come to the MUI twice to meet the MUI chairman. He said the perpetrator also “claimed to be a prophet”.

“In the story told by the head of the office, that person has come to MUI twice wanting to meet the MUI chairman,” said Anwar.

“He proclaimed himself as a prophet, he wanted to meet with the leadership. Well, today he came again,” he continued.

Anwar said the officers initially asked the perpetrator to wait downstairs because the head of the MUI was having a meeting on the fourth floor. Shortly thereafter, the perpetrator immediately opened fire.

“The officers below, the leadership was in a meeting, it was confirmed first to go up to the fourth floor. Maybe he was impatient, he immediately shot. Maybe he thought he would be hindered perhaps. Then he immediately shot,” he said.

3. Find the Head of the MUI Then Take Out the Weapon

Kapolda Metro Jaya Inspector General Karyoto said the perpetrators of the shooting at the MUI Central office were looking for the MUI chairman. He said the perpetrator was questioned by a security guard at the MUI office.

“At 11.24 WIB, at this place an unknown person entered from the front door, then looked for the MUI chairman, wanting to meet the MUI chairman,” said Karyoto at the MUI office, Jalan Proklamasi, Central Jakarta.

He said the security guard at the MUI office inquired about the needs of the man who said he wanted to meet the MUI chairman.

Karyoto said the man suddenly drew a weapon. “Then the person concerned took out a weapon,” he said.

4. Use an Airsoft Gun

Inspector General Karyoto said the shooter at the central MUI office used an airsoft gun. These weapons are not classified as firearms.

“There are pellets filled with bullets, there are also small gas cylinders, which are called airsoft guns, not firearms,” ​​said Karyoto.

“For details, we will ask the labfor,” continued Karyoto.

5. The perpetrator died after fainting

The perpetrator of the shooting at the MUI office was killed. Police said the perpetrator died after fainting.

“That’s right (the shooting). The perpetrator died,” said Central Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Komarudin.

Kapolda Metro Jaya Inspector General Karyoto said the perpetrator was chased by security officers from the MUI office. After that, the perpetrator fainted.

“The person concerned (the perpetrator) came out, the Pamdal and employees inside were chased. Then they were arrested, for a while the perpetrator fainted,” said Inspector General Karyoto.

Due to fainting, the perpetrator was then taken to the nearest health center from the scene of the incident. Some time later, the perpetrator was declared dead.

“Brought to the Polsek, and currently at the Menteng Health Center. Currently his condition is deceased,” said Karyoto.

The perpetrator’s body was then taken to the Kramat Jati Police Hospital. The police will conduct an autopsy to determine the exact cause of Mustopa’s death after shooting at the MUI Central Office.

6. Drugs until Letters Found from Perpetrators

The police said that the body of the perpetrator in the shooting at the Central MUI office was being autopsied at the Kramat Jati Police Hospital. Police said a number of items were found in the perpetrator’s bag.

“It will be autopsied, it will be from there that the cause of death will be known, because items were also found in his bag,” said Central Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Komarudin.

He said the items found included drugs, account books, and letters. However, Komarudin has not explained what drugs were in the bag.

“Drugs, account books, and a few sheets of papers,” he said.

7. Contents of Letter Revealed by MUI

MUI shows one of the letters sent by the perpetrator of the shooting at the MUI Central office today. The letter contained the claim of the shooter as a prophet.

The letter was shown by the Head of the MUI for Fatwa, Asrorun Niam, at the MUI Office, Jalan Proklamasi, Central Jakarta, Tuesday (2/5/2023). The letter was addressed to the head of the MUI and it said ‘6th letter’ at the top of the letter.

The letter was also signed by the perpetrator, who was later identified as Mustopa. The perpetrator himself died after a shooting at the MUI office occurred.

“Mr. Chairman of the MUI, I will continue to complain and plead in the name of Allah and the Apostle on behalf of the Prophet so that you would invite me to unite his people so that God’s will will come true and the Prophet/Prophet Muhammad Saw would be happy to see his people unite if the prophet could reveal the form of a complaining prophet and plead with you that you want to unite the world/all of us, not me,” said the fragment of the letter.()