Following are the Facts Regarding the Death of the Acting Governor of Papua Mountains’ Daughter, Let’s See the Full Explanation

[ad_1] – In the case of the death of the daughter of Acting (Pj) Governor of Papua Mountains Nikolaus Kondomo on Thursday (18/5) evening, it leaves a question mark.

The cause of the death of the Acting daughter has not been revealed and is still being investigated by the police.

The following is a summary of a number of facts related to the death case. Let’s look at the explanation below.

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1. Found dead in boarding house

ABK (16), the daughter of Acting Papua Governor Nikolaus Kondomo, was found dead in a boarding house on Jalan Pawiyatan Luhur Bendan Ngisor, Semarang City, Central Java, Thursday (18/5) evening.

The police have already processed the crime scene. Police found several bottles of liquor near the victim’s body. Meanwhile, from the physical examination of the corpse, there were abrasions on the victim’s body.

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For the purposes of investigation, the police evacuated the victim to the morgue of Doctor Kariadi Hospital in Semarang for an autopsy.

2. Hunt for male friends

From the testimony of several witnesses, before his death, the victim ABK had gone out with a close male friend with the initials AN. The police are still looking for AN’s whereabouts.
Corpse autopsy

The police have autopsied the bodies of the crew members after obtaining approval from the family. The autopsy was carried out at Doctor Kariadi Hospital in Semarang on Friday (19/5).

“We have received approval from the family. The victim’s mother herself came to the Semarang Polrestabes. Hopefully there will be a bright spot as to the cause of the victim’s death,” said Semarang Police Chief Commissioner Irwan Anwar at his office, Friday (19/5).

During the autopsy process, the victim’s mother was waiting at the hospital. While Nikolaus was still on his way to Semarang.

The team of doctors still needs further in-depth study at the Forensic Laboratory/Labfor on the forensic results.

“There is no conclusion yet, it still needs to be studied at the Forensic Laboratory,” said Dr. Uva Utomo, a member of the Kariadi Hospital Semarang forensic team, Friday (19/5).

After the autopsy and cleaning were complete, the crew members’ bodies were immediately taken to the family’s house in the Plamongan Indah Housing Complex, Semarang.

The body was departed from Doctor Kariadi Hospital in Semarang at around 20.00 WIB, Friday night. Nikolaus also accompanied the corpse.

3. The story of the father

Nikolaus has opened his voice regarding his daughter’s death. He said ABK often exchanged stories with him, but never mentioned romance. According to him, his son really likes to tell about his activities.

“If he often confides in me, but if he vents related to romance, never, but he usually discusses with me, he likes to tell stories when he watches movies,” said Nikolaus in Semarang, Saturday (20/5).

Nikolaus said his daughter was also happy with legal issues and often asked questions about the duties of prosecutors. Nikolaus is the former Head of the Papua High Prosecutor’s Office.

“He is interested in the legal process of Chinese films, he is happy, he often discusses with me, what is a prosecutor, oh are you happy to be a prosecutor?” he said.

4. Suffocation, there is violence

Kapolrestabes Semarang Police Commissioner Irwan Anwar said that ABK allegedly experienced violence before he breathed his last.

“What is the suffocation caused by? That is also why we will follow up with another examination of the three items, then there is also suspicion that there was sexual violence,” said Irwan.

Irwan explained that his party had conducted a forensic examination of the bodies of the crew members. He stated that further examination was needed to find out the exact cause of the death of the crew members.

“It’s just that we still need further examinations related to microbiological, pathological and toxicological examinations, so there are three more items, we are still waiting for the medical team to provide conclusions,” he explained.